May 2015
Kittelberger's newspaper sponsorship

"Reading encourages people to form their own opinion and promotes both creativity and communication,“ says Jan Kittelberger, explaining the newspaper sponsorship. He joined the company in 2005 and is especially delighted to support the Bildungszentrum Nord through the sponsorship.
How to handle media and information
Kittelberger is convinced that young people should have a daily look at a newspaper, especially in the Internet age so that they can learn how to handle media and information.
Jan Kittelberger, who is responsible for print and online projects in the company, is particularly delighted with the sponsorship of the Bildungszentrum Nord (North Training Centre) in Rommelsbach:
"For nearly 50 years, our company has been based in Reutlingen-Rommelsbach and I myself went to the BZN. That is why I am so happy that we are the newspaper sponsors for this centre!“
The "newspaper sponsorship" concept
Under the slogan "Reading makes you smart", individuals or companies can become newspaper sponsors for schools in the region for the Reutlinger Generalanzeiger – which is a local Reutlingen daily newspaper.
The GEA has set its aims on allowing schoolchildren to read newspapers every day, to promote reading ability and to encourage an interest in politics, economics and culture. By providing schools with copies of the latest newspaper every day, pupils receive education and knowledge on the one hand and are informed about local current affairs on the other.