November 2014
"Catalogue proofing and clickable links" with advastamedia®

The new advastamedia® module is based on marking contents and sections in the PDF file for validation and proofing against the database contents. This affects layout collisions as well as the checking of contents for presence and correctness.
Print trend
"Print is dead" was the dire prediction made at the start of the 21st century, foreseeing upheavals in companies specialised in prepress stages and printing. Since then, pressure has drastically increased on conventional print products - in fact more items are being printed and produced than ever before. Product communication must harness this trend in a practical way if the output workflow is to be automated as much as possible with the use of existing product data.
Proofing and checking
Despite all the automation functions in the output, one problem frequently remains: proofing and checking the contents, especially with mass data, or with contents which are used for the first time in print. This situation is now catered for by advastamedia® PDF Framework with the new "Automatic Content Checkup" module.
"Automatic Content Checkup" module
Examples and standard checks include:
- Proofing of texts
- Checking images, image sizes and colour spaces
- Presence of prices
- Correct version of titles, scope of supply items and much more
The individual checks can be provided with error classes and at the end of each document, the module lists the check results automatically. Each of the contents and links in the list can be clicked, i.e. not only are page references generated automatically, links are also used in advastamedia® Web Maintenance for the direct editing of contents.
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